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31 Iwdee Core Cleric Spells With Alignment Restrictions

31 IWDEE Core Cleric Spells with Alignment Restrictions

Cleric Alignments in Baldur's Gate

Alignment restrictions are a common feature of cleric spells in Dungeons & Dragons. This is because clerics are divine spellcasters, and their spells are granted to them by their deity. The deity's alignment determines which spells the cleric can cast.

In the game Baldur's Gate, clerics can be of any alignment. However, there are some spells that can only be cast by clerics of a certain alignment. These spells are listed below, along with their alignment restrictions.

Lawful Good

  • Bless
  • Cure Light Wounds
  • Detect Evil
  • Hold Person
  • Protection from Evil
  • Shield of Faith
  • Smite Chaos

Neutral Good

  • Bless
  • Cure Light Wounds
  • Detect Evil
  • Detect Good
  • Hold Person
  • Protection from Evil
  • Shield of Faith

Chaotic Good

  • Bless
  • Cure Light Wounds
  • Detect Good
  • Hold Person
  • Protection from Good
  • Shield of Faith
  • Smite Evil

Lawful Neutral

  • Bless
  • Cure Light Wounds
  • Detect Evil
  • Hold Person
  • Protection from Alignment
  • Shield of Faith
  • Smite Chaos

True Neutral

  • Bless
  • Cure Light Wounds
  • Hold Person
  • Protection from Alignment
  • Shield of Faith

Chaotic Neutral

  • Bless
  • Cure Light Wounds
  • Detect Good
  • Hold Person
  • Protection from Alignment
  • Shield of Faith
  • Smite Evil

Lawful Evil

  • Cause Light Wounds
  • Command
  • Detect Good
  • Hold Person
  • Intimidate
  • Protection from Good
  • Smite Chaos

Neutral Evil

  • Cause Light Wounds
  • Command
  • Hold Person
  • Intimidate
  • Protection from Alignment
  • Smite Good

Chaotic Evil

  • Cause Light Wounds
  • Command
  • Detect Good
  • Hold Person
  • Intimidate
  • Protection from Good
  • Smite Chaos
